
xs:anyAtomicType?=xfi:fact-typed-dimension-simple-value( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item), $dimension as xs:QName)

Last updated on 01-08-2020 at 12:00:00.

Returns the value of the named simple typed dimension from the specified item.

OIM Status

Deprecated - this function may be used in OIM-compatible Formula Rules, but its use is not recommended.


Name Type Details
item schema-element(xbrli:item) The item that the dimension value is required for.
dimension xs:QName The QName of the dimension that the value is required for.


Type: xs:anyAtomicType?

Returns result of atomising the typed dimension's domain element, or the empty sequence if the specified item has no dimension with that name.

An error is raised if the dimension is present but is not a typed dimension or if the dimensions domain element cannot be atomised (i.e. it is a complex type with element-only content).

The datatype of the returned value is the domain element's datatype.

Note that the result of atomising a nil value is the empty sequence, so the output from this function will be indistinguishable from the absence of the dimension in this case. xfi:fact-has-typed-dimension() can be used to differentiate these two cases.


Code Details
xqt-err:FOTY0012 Raised if it is not possible to atomise the typed dimension's domain element.
xfie:invalidTypedDimensionQName Raised if the specified dimension is an explicit dimension rather than a typed dimension.

Conformance suite

90313 xfi.fact-typed-dimension-simple-value testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Herm Fischer Mark V Systems fischer@markv.com 01-08-2020 at 12:00:00
Paul Hulst De Nederlandsche Bank P.J.Hulst@dnb.nl 01-08-2020 at 12:00:00


Name On Details
Herm Fischer 01-08-2020 at 12:00:00 Created the function definition based on #167.